Why do we do what we do...?

Because we care about...

Making a difference to South Africa's economy.

Why do we do what we do...?

Because we care about...

Changing the unemployment rate of this country

Why do we do what we do...?

Because we care about...

Transforming the workplace

Why do we do what we do...?

Because we care about...

Creating a sustainable job to give people a
platform to pursue their purpose

Why do we do what we do...?

Because we care about...

Working with like minded people
to make this happen...

Apply Now for Property Point’s enterprise development programme

Property Point’s two year enterprise development programme is an intensive programme for select SMEs. In order to apply for it your business must meet all of the following requirements:

Why you should apply?

Property Point was named 2018 Accelerator of the Year at the SA Business Incubation Awards. In just over a decade, Property Point has facilitated market opportunities worth R1.5bn for the 216 SMEs that have taken part in its enterprise and supplier development programme. The programme has helped to create 2615 full-time jobs and SMEs on the programme report average revenue growth of 30.2%. See our success stories here


If you meet all of these requirements, please complete the application form below. We wish you every success with your application.


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